There are many Myanmar refugees live in Thailand and it is quite hard for them to get medical treatment in the hospitals in Thailand. The number of doctors and nurses are in shortage. Therefore, we provide medical training for health care worker called ‘Medic” to both refugees who live in Thailand and Myanmar.
With the Grant assistant by Japan Platform, TJEDF has invited Myanmar ethnic medic who live in Northern Thailand and has carried out “Surgical Training” at Mae Tao Clinic (Mae Sot, Tak province) since December 2013. TJEDF aims to improve medical environment for them in the future so we provide ToT Training (Training of Trainer) of surgical lecture and practice to the trainers in order to enhance their skills step by step.
In order to improve medical environment of both Myanmar refugees society in Thailand and ethnic area in Myanmar, TJEDF provides surgical training and trainer training to Medic in Thailand who will be in charge of medical care in ethnic area in future, and train them as a surgical trainers.
Project Duration December 2013 – March 2016
Project Area Mae Tao Clinic, Mae Sot District, Tak Province, Thailand
Medical training and basic surgical training for displaced person in northern part of Thailand